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Symmetric Cryptography Library

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Welcome to the Ordo Project Page.

If you are looking to learn more about the Ordo cryptography library, you have come to the right place. This page features an online documentation, a FAQ and other miscellaneous information you may be interested in.

Ordo Documentation

Ordo is documented using Doxygen, and you can access the most recent uploaded version here (PDF version). Please note this documentation may be several commits out of date due to bandwidth reasons, but it will always be updated to reflect major changes in the library's interface. To obtain the latest documentation, run Doxygen on the latest commit.


Q. I cannot build the library under Mac!

A. We're sorry, Ordo is only supported under Windows, BSD, and Linux at the moment. We plan to support the Mac operating system, but we cannot do so at this time due to a lack of testing machines. If you would like to help, please contact us via our Github profiles.